July-August 2020 Newsletter
•Posted on July 31 2020

Hi Everyone,
We are in mid-summer of the most unforgettable year to date. Rules are changing daily and it is hard to keep up with so many opinions... I find that the best way to face these rocky times is one day at a time. Staying positive and having gratitude for what we do have. Those moments are there for us everyday, if we choose to see them.
Finding purpose and staying motivated is what keeps me going. I've always been a dreamer. Some have come true, some didn't, and some fell apart. I have succeeded and failed many times and will probably continue to experience both - as it is the way of the world.
I think having a dream is essential if you're going to do anything with your life. Any change or growth begins with a dream.
Having our own RUE label was one of those dreams that manifested into reality. It is curated to bring to you high quality basics at a reasonable price. Clothes that you can mix and match, lounge wear, workout and easy everyday pieces that are suitable for today's lifestyle. This is our second collection and it looks and feels great.
Most importantly, it is our intention to bring clothes that are made with care and will last for a long time. Clothes that you can wear and enjoy over and over again - which translates to SLOW FASHION.
Collaborating with like minded labels is important to us. Labels that recognize the importance of minimizing impact on the planet while producing their garments are the ones we want to collaborate with. Faherty, Jbrand and James Perse to name a few, are doing just that.
Be safe, stay positive and never stop dreaming.

Sustainability: avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
Fair Trade: trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.
Made in California: our clothes are sourced and manufactured here in the U.S .
Organic Cotton: liberated from the toxic chemicals used in traditional cotton production, our label is 100% GMO certified organic cotton.
Recycled Cotton : a more sustainable alternative to disposal is cotton recycling which prevents unneeded wastage. It is sourced from older, previously used garments or textile leftovers which are then spun into new yarns and fabrics.
Vegetable Dye : starting with natural herbs and plants in their raw form such as roots, leaves, stems and flowers they are cleaned of unwanted particles by hand. Then they are crushed and sieved through to create a very fine dye powder.