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August 2019

Written by Ayellet Rubinstein


Posted on August 09 2019

Summer is my favorite season.

Growing up I lived 20 minutes from the Mediterranean sea. 
I took it for granted... 

skipping school senior year in high school and hopping on a bus to meet my friends was not unusual behavior...

I love that feeling you get when summer rolls in. It puts me in the mood of just relaxing, spending time outdoors, enjoying nature as much as possible, and taking it all in. 

I dress very casual in general but especially in the summer.  Everything I wear has to be comfortable and feel good on my skin. Some of my favorite brands to wear are Velvet by Graham & Spencer and Sol Angeles. Every piece I own from them fits well and feels great.

We just made final summer markdowns, Check out the website or stop by the store. We would love to help you put together your personal summer look. 



Photo: Ayellet's twin daughters on vacation in Florida back in 2015. This photo spells summer - even though it was actually taken in the winter :)


Tips to Putting Together an Easy Summer Look:

I know it may seem unorthodox, but I always start my look with a piece of jewelry and work my way back to clothes. If you're wearing colorful bold jewelry, keep your clothing clean, simple, and minimal. That is the best way to make a statement without overdoing it. Let the jewelry speak.

Divide & Conquer:

I divide my jewelry into three seasons:

1. Year-round-go-to: the pieces I wear all the time and feel most connected to. 

2. Summer: the pieces that I only pull out when the weather gets warm. I wear mostly turquoise (which is my favorite stone), leather necklaces with raw stones, and more earthy bohemian looking pieces. I find it easier to stack necklaces and bracelets this time of year and have a lot of fun doing that.

3. Winter & Holiday: I usually find myself wearing more dramatic/serious pieces in the winter, especially lots and lots of bold rings and earrings.

Doing this makes it fun and exciting to wear my jewelry and every time I pull my seasonal pieces it's like I'm rediscovering them.



Turquoise Stone: 

A pale blue stone with fine black or gray lines running through it. Turquoise is a stone of well being. It contains protective properties and strengthens gently. It also helps focus the mind and will.

Photo:  Ayellet from her trip to Tulum this summer where she discovered our newest jewelry designer, Marija Grbic.