August 2023 Newsletter
•Posted on August 31 2023

Hi Everyone,
I am a big believer in enjoying what we do. This ride called life is not an easy one, and we will always at one point or another encounter adversity. No one gets a free pass; it's just the nature of the beast.
What we do with the beast is on us. How we react to the curve balls, small and big fires, and hardship is a decision we make everyday. So if we choose to do something with our lives that makes us happy, the ride gets a little easier.
As my twin girls are off to college, I can't help but give them the advice they didn't ask for. I am not a worrier by nature, but moving them to two different big cities is making me want to meditate more to cope...
Being so young, gives them the great advantage to explore what makes them tick, what they find interesting, and what comes naturally to them. And so the best advice I could give them is to recognize their natural abilities and attributes and figure out how they can apply them in their life.
We all have a gift. And by using our gifts, we give back to the world, and hopefully make it better. If you enjoy the work you do, life is a little easier to manage.
I love bringing you a great selection to pick and choose from. I enjoy our conversations, long or short. I love making you look your best and helping you find the best gifts for your loved ones. Doing that gives me great pleasure, and I can't imagine doing anything else.
As we say goodbye to a short summer (yes, I have no idea how it went so fast), and transition into cooler weather, we are getting beautiful new pieces everyday. So stop by and see what's new at Rue.
As I start my day, I try to wait as long as I can to begin eating. Our body needs a break from the enormous work it does to break the food we eat. Giving our system a break is essential. It makes me feel "empty" and light. Below a recipe for the tastiest gluten free breakfast cookie out there!